A curated collection of resources to help you advocate for fruit and vegetable incentives in the upcoming Farm Bill.

Featured Resources
Quick Links for Congressional Staff
Here are helpful materials with the latest information on the impact of GusNIP-funded projects, including nutrition incentive and produce prescription programs.
Quick Links for Community Advocates
Interested in starting your own grassroots campaign supporting fruit and vegetable incentives? Find templates and other materials below. More coming soon!
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Local Programs
Double Up Alabama
Visit WebsiteYukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation
Visit websiteDouble Up Arizona
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Arkansas
Visit WebsiteArkansas Fruit and Vegetable Health Prescription Program
Visit WebsiteCalifornia Nutrition Incentive Program
Visit WebsiteFresh Approach
Visit WebsiteInterfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative
Visit WebsiteMarket Match
Visit Website¡Más Fresco! More Fresh
Visit WebsiteVillage Market Place
Visit WebsiteYolo County Bonus Bucks
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Colorado
Visit WebsiteFresh to Flourish
Visit WebsiteEnd Hunger Connecticut!
Visit WebsiteGriffin Produce Prescription
Visit WebsiteNew England Nutrition Incentive Collaborative
Learn MoreFresh Access Bucks
Visit WebsiteTampa YMCA Veggie Van Produce Rx
Visit Website912 Food Farmacy
Visit WebsiteGeorgia Food for Health
Visit WebsiteGeorgia Fresh for Less
Visit WebsiteDA BUX
Visit WebsiteKahuku Medical Center Produce RX
Visit WebsiteReturning to Our Roots
Visit WebsiteSame Canoe Veggie RX
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Idaho
Visit WebsiteLink Up Illinois
Visit WebsiteTop Box Foods Produce Prescription Program
Visit WebsiteVeggie RX
Visit WebsiteWindy City Harvest
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Indiana
Visit WebsiteFresh Bucks
Visit WebsiteMarion County Produce Prescription (Rx) Program
Visit WebsiteProduce Prescription Program
Visit WebsiteVeggie RX to HEAL
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Iowa
Visit WebsiteProduce RX
Visit WebsiteCommunity Health Center of Southeast Kansas
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Heartland
Visit WebsiteHealthy Families ProduceRX
Visit WebsiteMarket Match
Visit WebsiteFarm Fresh Rewards
Visit WebsiteNew England Nutrition Incentive Collaborative
Learn MoreFresh Checks
Visit WebsiteBMC Fresh Connect
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Boston
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Michigan
Visit WebsiteMichigan Farm to Family CSA
Visit WebsitePrescription for a Healthy Oakland
Visit WebsiteDelta ProduceRX
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Mississippi
Visit WebsiteFood RX Quitman County
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Heartland
Visit WebsiteHealth Scripts
Visit WebsiteSEMO Food Bank Produce Prescription Program
Visit WebsiteDouble SNAP Dollars
Visit WebsiteMontana Produce Prescription Collaborative MTPRx
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Nebraska
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Nevada
Visit WebsiteRural Retail Fruit and Vegetable Project
Learn MoreGranite State Market Match
Visit WebsiteNew England Nutrition Incentive Collaborative
Learn MoreGood Food Bucks
Visit WebsiteHudson County Produce Prescription and Food Pharmacies Initiative
Visit WebsiteDouble Up New York
Visit WebsiteFood as Medicine
Visit WebsiteHealth Bucks
Visit WebsiteHealthy Seniors Healthy Shoppers 2.0
Visit WebsiteNC FVRx
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Mountainwise
Visit WebsiteEatWell RX
Visit WebsiteFarm Fresh Produce Prescription
Visit WebsiteSuperSNAP
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Dakota Bucks
Visit WebsiteProduce Perks
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Oklahoma
Visit WebsiteFreshRx Oklahoma
Visit WebsiteBuy Fresh Buy Local
Visit WebsiteFresh2You Mobile Market
Visit WebsiteFood Bucks
Visit WebsiteFood Bucks Rx
Visit WebsiteFruit and Vegetable Bucks
Visit WebsiteBonus Bucks
Visit WebsiteFood on the Move
Visit WebsiteNew England Nutrition Incentive Collaborative
Learn MoreFresh for Life
Visit WebsiteProduceRx Program - LiveWell Greenville
Visit WebsiteProduce Rx Program
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Dakota Bucks
Visit WebsiteThe Keya Foundation Produce Prescription Program Serving Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Visit WebsiteAppalachian Farmacy
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Tennessee
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Texas
Visit WebsiteThe Produce Prescription For Healthy Blood Pressure Program
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Utah
Visit WebsiteNew England Nutrition Incentive Collaborative
Learn MoreVirginia Fresh Match
Visit WebsiteFVRx
Visit WebsiteProduce Rx
Visit WebsiteWashington’s Fruit and Vegetable Incentives Program
Visit WebsiteFarm to You
Visit WebsiteSNAP Stretch
Visit WebsiteDouble Dollars
Visit WebsiteMobile Market
Visit WebsiteDouble Up Wyoming
Visit WebsiteResources
Double Up Arkansas 2022 Overview
Fresh Access Bucks 2022 Overview
Indiana Nutrition Incentive Network Flyer
Indiana Nutrition Incentive Network Overview
Double Up Iowa Overview
Double Up Michigan 2022 Overview
Double Up Nebraska 2022 Overview
Produce Perks 2022 Impact Report
Double Up Oklahoma 2022 Overview
Looking for national programs and resources?
Visit the Nutrition Incentive Hub NTAE website or Double Up America for more.