GusNIP: Year 3 Impact
Since its inception in 2008, Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) has provided more than $270 million in funding to nearly 200 projects that distribute financial incentives to consumers with low income to increase the purchase of and prescriptions for fruits and vegetables.
Beginning in 2019, GusNIP launched the Nutrition Incentive Program Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation and Information Center, led by the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition. In partnership with Fair Food Network, they created the Nutrition Incentive Hub, a coalition of partners, including the Michigan Farmers Market Association, National Grocers Association Foundation, The Food Trust, University of California San Francisco, and Data Management and Analysis Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, among others.
Read more about the latest reporting from the Nutrition Incentive Hub:
The 2022 reporting and evaluation from the GusNIP NTAE shows substantial growth and expansion of GusNIP-funded projects across the country, including a tenfold increase in the dollar value of nutrition incentives distributed and the number of redemption sites available since Year 1. More than 3,600 food retail outlets and clinics saw $41.6 million in nutrition incentives redeemed by families participating in SNAP, healthcare patients, and others. In turn, this activity generated more than $85.6 million in local economic impact, increasing sales at participating markets and supporting local famers and agriculture communities.